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What Is Scrip?

Scrip is a term that means “substitute money”. When you purchase scrip, you’re purchasing gift certificates and gift cards that are used just like cash. You can use scrip to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn revenue for our Home and School Association and a tuition rebate for your family. Many popular retailers participate in our SCRIP program including Harter House, PriceCutter, JCPenney, Gap/Old Navy, Lowe’s, Pizza Hut, Subway, and many, many others. Go to https://www.raiseright.com/ for a complete list.  

SCRIP can be ordered as physical gift cards and as electronic gift cars, or you can reload existing gift cards.
How SCRIP Generates Revenue For You

Our organization buys the scrip from Great Lakes Scrip Center and local retailers at a discount. We then sell the certificates to families like yours for full face value. The discount - from two to twenty percent – is split 50/50 between the SCS Shepherds' Fund and your tuition rebate (your tuition rebate may be used for preschool through 12th grade in the Springfield Catholic School System.) The SCRIP fiscal year runs March 1st through February 28th.

Real World Example

The Smith family places a weekly SCRIP order at www.shopwithscrip.com They order $100 Price Cutter (3% rebate), $50 Harter House (5% rebate) and $100 WalMart (2% rebate). This purchase would make the SCS Shepherds' Fund. $3.75 and it would give the Smith family a $3.75 tuition rebate every time it is placed. This is money the Smith family would be spending anyway! If this order is placed 36 times (9 months of school), the school and the Smith family have each made $135.

What if the Smith family had also purchased SCRIP to go out to dinner, buy shoes/clothing, pet supplies, and home repairs? Imagine how Springfield Catholic Schools and our school families could benefit if all I.C. families shopped with SCRIP!!!

First Time SCRIP Users

To sign up today, simply follow these four steps:

  1. Go to https://www.raiseright.com/, click "How to Enroll", and then join your scrip program.
  2. Enter Immaculate Conception's enrollement code to begin earning tuition rebates- Code Can Be Found in IC Family News 
  3. Fill in all required personal information and click "I Accept".
  4. Choose two security challenge questions.
Normal Weekly Schedule

Place your order by Monday morning before 8:15am.
Orders will be ready to pick up on Thursday (2:30-3:15pm) or will be sent home on Friday with your oldest child.

SCRIP Inventory For Sale In School Office

For your convenience, we keep an inventory of physical gift cards available for purchase anytime. You may purchase these cards during regular school hours in the school office. We strongly suggest that you place a weekly SCRIP order, but when you forget – we hope this will help!


Follow us on our Facebook page IC School Scrip Program

Contact Information

Please contact the Immaculate Conception Home and School Scrip Coordinators with any questions:

Amy Lyons or Kelly Luzecky

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Immaculate Conception Catholic School
3555A S Fremont Ave, Springfield, MO 65804

Phone: 417-881-7000
Fax: 417-887-0027

Mrs. Ashley Harris - Principal
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Mrs. Lindsay Wright - Assistant Principal
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Ms. Beth Mount - Administrative Assistant
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