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Frequently Asked Questions

AFSEAS 0094Interested In St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School?

Please Complete The Inquiry Form  OR Call The School Office For A Tour (417)887-6056.

  • What grades do you offer?  St. Elizabeth Ann Seton currently offers 3-year old preschool through 8th grade. 

  • What are the school hours?  Office hours are from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. The building opens at 7:30 am.  At 7:55 am students go to classrooms. Classes begin at 8:00 am and conclude at 3:05 pm. 

  • Do you have a morning and or afterschool program?  The Springfield Family Y Academy program is available on site for students, 5 years old and up after school from 3:05 to 6:00 p.m. Go to  https://www.orymca.org/locations/school-age-services/y-academy/for more information.  An extended care program is available for preschool/PK students from 3:05-6:00 pm.

  • What preschool program is offered?  The 3-year old is currently a 1/2 day academic program (8:00 am- 11:15 am) with an additional 1/2 day afternoon care available (11:15 am- 3:05 pm). The 4-year old PK program is an all day program from 8:00 am- 3:05 pm.

  • Do students wear uniforms?  Students in K through grade 8 wear school uniforms, available locally at Desales Catholic Bookstore 210-J West Sunshine St.  Springfield, Missouri 65807 and Land's End ( SCRIP cards apply). Consult the handbook for more information.

  • What additional classes are offered at SEAS?  Spanish (grades 3-8), P.E., Music, Technology,  Art and Band are a part of the curriculum in addition to the core curriculum.

  • What junior high sports are offered at SEAS?  The following Junior High (7th & 8th grade) sports are offered at SEAS: Cross Country, Cheerleading, Boys' and Girls' Basketball, Track, Girls' Volleyball, Boys' Football and Softball

  • Is there a hot lunch program?  SEAS provides a daily hot lunch. Families may apply for free or reduced lunch and breakfast.  Students also have the availability to add items a la carte at additional costs. 

  • Does St. Elizabeth Ann Seton have a computer lab?  Yes, SEAS has a stationary computer lab equipped with 30 desktop computers available to all students with teachers instructing using a variety of software. 

  • How often do students attend Mass?  Grades 1-8 attend All School Mass once a week.  Grades 2-8 attend an additional weekly class Mass.


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
2200 W. Republic Road Springfield, MO 65807

Phone: 417-887-6056 
Fax: 417-887-2189

Mrs. Joanne Bailes - Principal
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Mrs. Lauren Cayer - Administrative Assistant
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