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Hours and Lunch Information

Office Hours -7:30-3:30 PM 

Building Opens- 7:30 AM

K-8 School Begins- 8:00 AM

Students entering the classroom after 8:00 am will be considered tardy

Regular School Dismissal- 3:05 PM

Pre-School (PS) and Pre-Kindergarten (PK) Hours 8:00-11:15 AM

PS- PK Afternoon Daycare 11:15 AM-3:05 PM/Extended Care 3:05-6:00 PM

Prime Time  3:05-6:00 PM (YMCA 417-862-7456)


8:30 Weekly Mass Schedule

Grades 1-8 attend All School Mass once a week. 

Grades 2-8 attend an additional weekly class Mass.


Lunch Schedule

K, 1st and 2nd- 10:55-11:30
3rd, 4th and 5th - 11:30-12:00
Middle School - 12:00-12:30

Breakfast/Lunch Price List

Breakfast $2.75 (Reduced $.40)
$4.00 student (includes milk) (Reduced $.50)  Jumbo (extra entree) $1.75
Extra Milk or Snack Milk $.60 for a milk 



St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
2200 W. Republic Road Springfield, MO 65807

Phone: 417-887-6056 
Fax: 417-887-2189

Mrs. Joanne Bailes - Principal
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Mrs. Lauren Cayer - Administrative Assistant
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© 2025 Springfield Catholic Schools